An accidental temporarily raises the pitch of a note one or two chromatic steps. One chromatic step is an ascent or descent to the nearest neighboring note. A chromatic step is better known as a semitone, or a half step. Two chromatic steps are often called a whole tone or whole step. A note with an accidental often becomes one of the black keys on the piano. The accidental temporarily affects a note for the duration of a measure.
HISTORY Accidentals were first used in the fourteenth century in a practice called musica ficta. The French and Italians were the first to use such a technique by which a pitch would be raised or lowered a half step for coloration. Only two signs were used in musica ficta; one to indicate when the pitch is raised and the other when the pitch is lowered. The natural sign came into use at about the time when a new tuning system was being developed around the late fifteenth century. |