Ornaments are decorations. An ornament may be placed
above, below or sometimes on the left side of a note. It represents a certain pattern or
figure of notes to be played.

There are many types of ornaments. The following six are most common since the 1700s
and are still used by composers today.
The trill is common in music of all ages. It
represents a rapid alteration between two notes. It begins with the marked note and
alternates with a note above it. Usually the interval between two notes of a trill is no
larger than a second. Nowadays, when specified, the interval between two notes of a trill
may be any size.
The grace note is also commonly seen in music of all
ages. The only difference is in the way it is represented. The stem of the grace note
always points up. The note itself is diminished about half the size of regular notes. For
music of the Baroque and Classical era, the grace note represented a dissonant /H{pitch}
approached by leap rather than by step. Such a dissonance is called an appoggiatura. It is
played in line with the rhythm. The slash indicates that the note
value is cut in half. The next note is altered in rhythm to
compensate for the difference attributed by the grace note. Nowadays, the grace note
represents the pitch to be played as quickly as possible. The
rhythmic placement of the following note is unaltered. Such a grace note may not
necessarily be a dissonance.
A role is a form of arpeggio but in a much quicker
fashion. The squiggle next to the chord indicates that the notes
are to be played from bottom up in succession. If the squiggle has an arrow head at the
bottom, the chord should be played from the top note downward.
A mordent is mostly common to Baroque and Classical
music. It represents the alternation of two notes a diatonic
second apart starting with the top note.
A half mordent is also common to the Baroque and
Classical music. The alternation is between two notes, a second apart from each other,
beginning with the written note.
The turn is commonly used in the Baroque and Classical
era. It involves three pitches one diatonic step apart from each
other. The written note is the starting point and it represents the middle of the three