Ties connect one note value to another. It is
especially common over a bar line. Sometimes two notes may be tied within the same

If the note being tied over a bar
line has an accidental, the accidental
is also carried over.
The curve of the tie may be up or down depending on
the stem directions of the note on the musical staff. For the
stem going downward, the tie is curved up, starting above the note
head, from one note to the other. Likewise, for the stems going upward, the tie is
curved downwards, starting below the note head, from one note to
the other.
One or more of any note within a chord may be tied
to another. The tie is curved upward for the top note of the chord
and the tie is curved downward for the bottom note of the chord.
For the notes in between the chord, the ties are evenly
alternated between the upper and lower curved ties.